Shi FENG冯时Associate Professor, Doctoral Supervisor Department of Computer Science Northeastern University, Shenyang, China Email: fengshi [at] cse.neu.edu.cn Office: Room B205, Information Building, Northeastern University, China Address: No.195 Chuangxin Road, Hunnan District, Shenyang, China, 110169 I am a member of NEU Data Mining group. NEU DM group belongs to Data Science and Big Data Technology Group led by professor Ge Yu(于戈). |
- Sentiment Analysis
- Dialogue System
- Operation System
- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
- Social Network and Social Media Analysis
- Mar, 2014 - May, 2014. Visiting Assistant Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Research Institute, Shenzhen, China
- Jun, 2009 - Jun, 2010. Research Assistant, Dept. of System Engineering and Engineering Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
- Mar, 2007 - Jan, 2011. Ph.D, College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, China.
- Sep, 2004 - Mar, 2007. Graduate, College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, China.
- Sep, 2000 - Mar, 2004. Undergraduate, College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, China.
- PI. Research on Key Techniques of User-centered Emotion Elicitation and Regulation Dialogue Generation. 2023-2026, National Science Foundation of China (NSFC).
- PI. Study on Human-Machine Conversation Text Generation Technique for Emotional Interaction. 2019-2022, National Science Foundation of China (NSFC).
- Project member (rank 2nd). Research on Interpretable Emotion-Aware Dialogue Generation. 2012-2025, National Science Foundation of China (NSFC).
- PI. Research on Key Techniques of Opinion Mining for Real Time Public Opinion Monitoring in Microblogging Sphere. 2012-2014. National Science Foundation of China (NSFC).
- PI. Research on Real Time Sentiment Analysis for Massive Social Media Data. Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China. 2012-2013.
- PI. Fine-grained Sentiment Analysis for Social Streams. Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China. 2014-2015.
- Project member (rank 2nd). Diversified Social Relation Active Learning Based on Social Media Mining. 2018-2021, National Science Foundation of China (NSFC).
- Project member (rank 2nd). Multi-level Social Media Resource Recommendation based on Generalized Content Analysis, 2014-2017, National Science Foundation of China (NSFC).
For more information about recent achievements of our group, please refer to this slide.
For codes and datasets, please refer to this website.
- Zhenfei Yang, Beiming Yu, Yuan Cui, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Yifei Zhang: BERT-BC: A Unified Alignment and Interaction Model over Hierachical BERT for Response Selection. Accepted by LREC-COLING 2024 (CCF
- Weihong Guan, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Faliang Huang, Yifei Zhang, Yuan Cui: Improving Role-Oriented Dialogue Summarization with Interaction-Aware Contrastive Learning. Accepted by LREC-COLING 2024 (CCF
- Mingxiu Cai, Daling Wang, Shi Feng, Yifei Zhang: EmpCRL: Controllable Empathetic Response Generation via In-Context Commonsense Reasoning and Reinforcement Learning. Accepted by LREC-COLING 2024 (CCF
- Fanheng Kong, Peidong Wang, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Yifei Zhang: TIGER: A Unified Generative Model Framework for Multimodal Dialogue Response Generation. Accepted by LREC-COLING 2024 (CCF
- Mingxiu Cai, Daling Wang, Shi Feng, Yifei Zhang: PECER: Empathetic Response Generation via Dynamic Personality Extraction and Contextual Emotional Reasoning. Accepted by ICASSP 2024 (CCF
- Tianbao Zhang, Huiying Cao, Shi Feng, Yuan Cui, Daling Wang: TS-DDD: A Two-Stage Training Strategy for Dialogue-based Disease Diagnosis. BIBM 2023: 765-770 (CCF
- Longcan Wu, Daling Wang, Shi Feng, Xiangmin Zhou, Yifei Zhang, Ge Yu: Graph neural network for recommendation in complex and quaternion spaces. World Wide Web (WWW) 26(6): 3945-3964 (2023) (CCF
- Xiaocui Yang, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Yifei Zhang, Soujanya Poria:
Few-shot Multimodal Sentiment Analysis Based on Multimodal Probabilistic Fusion Prompts. ACM Multimedia 2023: 6045-6053 (CCF
- Qian Li, Daling Wang, Shi Feng, Kaisong Song, Yifei Zhang, Ge Yu:
OERL: Enhanced Representation Learning Via Open Knowledge Graphs. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 35(9): 8880-8892 (2023) (CCF
- Yongkang Liu, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Hinrich Schütze, Yifei Zhang:
PVGRU: Generating Diverse and Relevant Dialogue Responses via Pseudo-Variational Mechanism. ACL (1) 2023: 3295-3310 (CCF
- Qian Li, Shafiq Joty, Daling Wang, Shi Feng, Yifei Zhang, Chengwei Qin:
Contrastive Learning with Generated Representations for Inductive Knowledge Graph Embedding. ACL (Findings) 2023: 14273-14287 (CCF
- Xiaocui Yang, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Qi Sun, Wenfang Wu, Pengfei Hong, Yifei Zhang, Soujanya Poria:
Few-shot Joint Multimodal Aspect-Sentiment Analysis Based on Generative Multimodal Prompt. ACL (Findings) 2023: 11575-11589 (CCF
- Renxi Wang, Shi Feng:
Global-Local Modeling with Prompt-Based Knowledge Enhancement for Emotion Inference in Conversation. EACL (Findings) 2023: 2120–2127
- Xiaocui Yang, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Pengfei Hong, Soujanya Poria:
Multiple Contrastive Learning for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis. Accept by ICASSP 2023 (CCF
- Yongkang Liu, Shi Feng, Wei Gao, Daling Wang, Yifei Zhang:
A Lightweight Fully Convolutional Network for Multi-view Response Selection. EMNLP 2022: 12086-12098 (CCF
- Qian Li, Daling Wang, Shi Feng, Kaisong Song, Yifei Zhang, Ge Yu:
Alleviating Sparsity of Open Knowledge Graphs with Ternary Contrastive Learning. EMNLP (Findings) 2022: 2279-2291 (CCF
- Qian Li, Daling Wang, Shi Feng, Cheng Niu, Yifei Zhang:
Global Graph Attention Embedding Network for Relation Prediction in Knowledge Graphs. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 33(11): 6712-6725 (2022) (CCF
- Minghao Xu, Daling Wang, Shi Feng, Zhenfei Yang, Yifei Zhang: KC-ISA: An Implicit Sentiment Analysis Model Combining Knowledge Enhancement and Context Features. COLING 2022: 6906-6915 (CCF B)
- Dongshi Ju, Shi Feng, Pengcheng Lv, Daling Wang, Yifei Zhang: Learning to Improve Persona Consistency in Multi-party Dialogue Generation via Text Knowledge Enhancement. COLING 2022: 298-309 (CCF B)
- Yongkang Liu, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Yifei Zhang: MulZDG: Multilingual Code-Switching Framework for Zero-shot Dialogue Generation. COLING 2022: 648-659 (CCF B)
- Ying Zhu, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Yifei Zhang, Donghong Han: Knowledge-Enhanced Interactive Matching Network for Multi-turn Response Selection in Medical Dialogue Systems. DASFAA (3) 2022: 255-262 (CCF B)
- Longcan Wu, Daling Wang, Shi Feng, Kaisong Song, Yifei Zhang, Ge Yu: Collaborative Filtering for Recommendation in Geometric Algebra. DASFAA (2) 2022: 256-263 (CCF B)
- Weichao Wang, Shi
Feng, Kaisong Song, Daling Wang, Shifeng Li. Informative and diverse
multi-turn emotional conversation generation with variational recurrent
pointer-generator. Frontiers Comput. Sci. 16(5): 165326 (2022)
- Weichao Wang, Wei Gao, Shi Feng, Ling Chen, Daling Wang: Adaptive Posterior Knowledge Selection for Improving Knowledge-Grounded Dialogue Generation. CIKM 2021: 1989-1998 (CCF B)
- Xiangju Li, Wei Gao, Shi Feng, Wang Daling, Shafiq Joty: Span-Level Emotion Cause Analysis by BERT-based Graph Attention Network. CIKM 2021: 3221-3226 (CCF B)
- Xiangju Li, Wei Gao, Shi Feng, Wang Daling, Shafiq Joty: Span-level Emotion Cause Analysis with Neural Sequence Tagging. CIKM 2021: 3227-3231 (CCF B)
- Weichao Wang, Shi Feng, Ling Chen, Daling Wang, Yifei
Zhang, Learning to improve persona consistency in conversation generation
with information augmentation. Knowledge-Based Systems, 228: 107246 (2021).
- Xiaocui Yang, Shi Feng, Yifei
Zhang, Daling Wang: Multimodal Sentiment Detection Based on Multi-channel
Graph Neural Network. ACL 2021: 328-339 (CCF A)
- Xiangju Li, Wei Gao, Shi Feng, Yifei Zhang, Daling
Wang: Boundary Detection with BERT for Span-level Emotion Cause Analysis.
ACL (Findings) 2021: 676-682 (CCF A)
- Longcan Wu, Daling
Wang, Shi Feng, Kaisong Song,
Yifei Zhang, Ge Yu: Which Node Pair and What Status? Asking Expert for
Better Network Embedding. DASFAA (1) 2021: 141-157 (CCF B)
- Yongkang Liu, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Kaisong
Song, Feiliang Ren, Yifei Zhang: A Graph Reasoning Network for Multi-turn
Response Selection via Customized Pre-training. Accepted by AAAI 2021: 13433-13442
- Xiaocui Yang, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Yifei
Zhang: Image-text Multimodal Emotion Classification via Multi-view
Attentional Network. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. Published online (CCF B)
- Shi Feng, Kaisong Song, Daling Wang, Wei Gao, Yifei
Zhang. InterSentiment: combining deep neural models on interaction and
sentiment for review rating prediction, International Journal of Machine
Learning and Cybernetics. Published online
- Pengcheng Lv, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Yifei Zhang, Ge Yu: PersonaGAN: Personalized Response Generation via Generative Adversarial Networks. DASFAA (1) 2020: 570-586 (CCF B)
- Shifeng Li, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Kaisong Song, Yifei Zhang, Weichao Wang: EmoElicitor: An Open Domain Response Generation Model with User Emotional Reaction Awareness. IJCAI 2020: 3637-3643 (CCF A)
- Weichao Wang, Shi Feng, Wei Gao, Daling Wang, Yifei Zhang: A Cue Adaptive Decoder for Controllable Neural Response Generation. WWW 2020: 2570-2576 (CCF A)
- Jia Wei, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Yifei Zhang, Xiangju Li. Attentional Neural Network for Emotion Detection in Conversations with Speaker Influence Awareness. NLPCC 2019: 287-297
- Weichao Wang, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Yifei Zhang. Answer-guided and Semantic Coherent Question Generation in Open-domain Conversation. EMNLP 2019: 5065-5075 (CCF B)
- Xiangju Li, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Yifei Zhang. Context-aware emotion cause analysis with multi-attention-based neural network. Knowledge-Based Systems. 174: 205-218 (2019)
- Longcan Wu, Daling Wang, Shi Feng, Yifei Zhang. MDAL: Multi-task Dual Attention LSTM Model for Semi-supervised Network Embedding. 2019: 468-483 (CCF B)
- Shi Feng, Yaqi Wang, Kaisong Song, Daling Wang, Ge Yu. Attention based Hierarchical LSTM Network for Context-aware Microblog Sentiment Classification. World Wide Web 22(1): 59-81 (2019) (CCF B)
- Xiangju Li, Kaisong Song, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Yifei Zhang. A Co-attention Neural Network Model for Emotion Cause Analysis with Emotional Context Awareness. EMNLP 2018: 4752-4757 (CCF B)
- Weichao Wang, Shi Feng, Wei Gao, Daling Wang, Yifei Zhang. Personalized Microblog Sentiment Classification via Adversarial Cross-lingual Multi-task Learning. EMNLP 2018: 338-348 (CCF B)
- Shi Feng, Yaqi Wang, Kaisong Song, Daling Wang, Ge Yu. Detecting Multiple Coexisting Emotions in Microblogs with Convolutional Neural Networks. Cognitive Computation 10(1): 136-155 (2018)
- Kaisong Song, Wei Gao, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Kam-Fai Wong, Chengqi Zhang: Recommendation vs Sentiment Analysis: A Text-Driven Latent Factor Model for Rating Prediction with Cold-Start Awareness. IJCAI 2017: 2744-2750 (CCF A)
- Yaqi Wang, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Ge Yu, Yifei Zhang: Multi-label Chinese Microblog Emotion Classification via Convolutional Neural Network. APWeb 2016: 567-580
- Yang Wang, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Yifei Zhang, Ge Yu: Context-Aware Chinese Microblog Sentiment Classification with Bidirectional LSTM. APWeb 2016: 594-606
- Liran Liu, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Yifei Zhang: An Empirical Study on Chinese Microblog Stance Detection Using Supervised and Semi-supervised Machine Learning Methods. NLPCC/ICCPOL 2016: 753-765
- Kaisong Song, Wei Gao, Ling Chen, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Chengqi Zhang: Build Emotion Lexicon from the Mood of Crowd via Topic-Assisted Joint Non-negative Matrix Factorization. SIGIR 2016: 773-776 (CCF A)
- Wen Qu, Xiangmin Zhou, Daling Wang, Shi Feng, Yifei Zhang, Ge Yu: Intermediate Semantics Based Distance Metric Learning for Video Annotation and Similarity Measurements. WISE 2016: 227-242
- Kaisong Song, Ling Chen, Wei Gao, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Chengqi Zhang: PerSentiment: A Personalized Sentiment Classification System for Microblog Users. WWW 2016: 255-258 (CCF A)
- Shi Feng, Kaisong Song, Daling Wang, Ge Yu: A word-emoticon mutual reinforcement ranking model for building sentiment lexicon from massive collection of microblogs. World Wide Web 18(4): 949-967 (2015) (CCF B)
- Kaisong Song, Shi Feng, Wei Gao, Daling Wang, Ling Chen, Chengqi Zhang: Build Emotion Lexicon from Microblogs by Combining Effects of Seed Words and Emoticons in a Heterogeneous Graph. HT 2015: 283-292
- Kaisong Song, Shi Feng, Wei Gao, Daling Wang, Ge Yu, Kam-Fai Wong: Personalized Sentiment Classification Based on Latent Individuality of Microblog Users. IJCAI 2015: 2277-2283 (CCF A)
- Kaisong Song, Daling Wang, Shi Feng, Yifei Zhang, Wen Qu, Ge Yu: CTROF: A Collaborative Tweet Ranking Framework for Online Personalized Recommendation. PAKDD 2014: 1-12
- Shi Feng, Le Zhang, Binyang Li, Daling Wang, Ge Yu, Kam-Fai Wong: Is Twitter A Better Corpus for Measuring Sentiment Similarity? EMNLP 2013: 897-902 (CCF B)
- Daling Wang, Shi Feng, Dong Wang, Ge Yu: Detecting Opinion Drift from Chinese Web Comments Based on Sentiment Distribution Computing. WISE 2013: 72-81
- Shi Feng, Lin Wang, Weili Xu, Daling Wang, Ge Yu: Unsupervised Learning Chinese Sentiment Lexicon from Massive Microblog Data. ADMA 2012: 27-38
- Shi Feng, Jun Pang, Daling Wang, Ge Yu, Feng Yang, Dongping Xu: A novel approach for clustering sentiments in Chinese blogs based on graph similarity. Computers & Mathematics with Applications 62(7): 2770-2778 (2011)
- Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Ge Yu, Wei Gao, Kam-Fai Wong: Extracting common emotions from blogs based on fine-grained sentiment clustering. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 27(2): 281-302 (2011) (CCF B)
- Binyang Li, Lanjun Zhou, Shi Feng, Kam-Fai Wong: A Unified Graph Model for Sentence-Based Opinion Retrieval. ACL 2010: 1367-1375 (CCF A)
- Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Ge Yu, Binyang Li, Kam-Fai Wong: A Chinese Sentence Compression Method for Opinion Mining. AIRS 2010: 320-329
- Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Ge Yu, Binyang Li, Kam-Fai Wong: Summarizing and Extracting Online Public Opinion from Blog Search Results. DASFAA 2010: 476-490 (CCF B)
- Shifeng Li: 2021 Excellent Master's Thesis of Northeastern University
- Wenhan Dong et al.: ADMA2021 Best Student Paper Runner-up Award
- Jinxi Fan et al.: CCKS2020 Best English Paper Runner-up Award